What Qur'an says about Aliens

Aliens are basically those creatures who live on different planets which probably did not originate from earth means they are totally different from human beings.

So what is our position about alternative life forms i.e Aliens. Do muslims believe in Aliens or not? are we the only creation of Allah(swt) or Allah has created other beings. Well regarding this some scholars including Ibn Taymiyyah who was a great scholar passed in Islamic history they have opined that Allah(swt) has created other life forms. And this goes back to the perfection of Allah being Al khallaq(The creator). And khallaq means the one who continues to create.

So basically the notion that only creation is us and after we are gone there will be no other creation it seems to suggest as if Allah is not creating perpetually or continously. And Ibn Taymiyyah felt that this diminishes the majesty of Allah. He felt that Allah (swt) has been constantly creating and will constantly continue to create to no end. And that what we know is only our world that in our world Allah began the creation in this manner and there is going to be the judgement day and this is basically our portion there are others as well before us and after us are they simultaneous to us Ibn Taymiyyah didn't talk about that.

Ibn Taymiyyah is talking about the issue that Allah is always creating but there is no negation of the fact that other worlds could be simultaneous to us or other creation could be simultaneous to us and there are many evidences that might possibly suggest this so please don't misquote me. I am saying there are some evidences that suggest that Allah (swt) has created other creations. What are these evidences.

Number 1 - "Wa yakhluku mala ta'lamun" He has created things you will never know or you don't know about.

So you will never know which means this is not something you can see.

Number 2 - "Allah has created all the heavens and the earth and he has scattered throughout all of them". Means creatures not just on the earth the heavens is just our heavens it is beyond our heavens and there are seven heavens basically and Allah says "he has scattered creatures in all of them and if he wants to he can gather up all of them at once"

Now you can understand this verse to mean the day of judgement which is the majority interpretation or you can understand it to mean Allah has created all different creatures and if he wanted to he could cause them to meet both are linguistically possible.

There are some other evidences as well I will jump on the one which I think is the strongest evidence to suggest that there might be other creations of Allah and Allah knows best.

Surah Isra where Allah says : We have honored the children of Adam and we have carried them in the lands and the sea and we have given them many things and we have preferred them (Humans) over many other things that we have created.

which means we have preferred some over them as well so basically we occupy a high rank according to this verse but not the highest.

Now in the world that we inhabit who is at the top. We are.
Who bowed down to us? The angels so we are at the top in this world(of the creation) yet Allah says in Surah Isra that we have honored the children of Adam over many other things we have created but Not All.....

So hope you understand what I was trying to say that's all Jazakallahu khair for reading.


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