Jihad in Perspective of The Glorious Qur'an Part-3

Last time we were talking about the exception. What's the exception? Now that the sword is on the
neck compare this to the water closing in on the pharoah was the water stop? No.
But its's like the water stopped and the pharoah was told now I'll give you four months think about it. But as the sword was on the neck Allah(swt) says go in the land think about this for four months and if you want to escape in that time go ahead if you want to become muslim no harm done and if you want to fight come back we'll fight you.
That is a mercy that Allah never gave to any nation in history he only gave it to the prophet(saw)for those who violated against him which are the Quraysh of Makkah and then the jews and christians of Madina.
So when the Ayat of fighting are talked about in Surah Tauba. The Surah that does not have bismillah in it and it only time mention that jihad is a punishment. It's to me explicitly clear that it's talking about the criminals against the messenger of Allah(saw) and it's a beautiful thing because you know what that proves? That proves is the doors of Allah will never be closed again. Every nation Allah showed the mercy and the the time punishment came the mercy was paused after then a nation came and the mercy was paused it goes on and on.
And final time Allah decided to press the pause button on Allah's mercy was when he gave Surah Tauba to those people. Which means from then until the day of judgement the mercy of Allah is still open. Now if you don't agree with this argument I would love to have you explain to me how you think that the one Surah that does not have the mercy of Allah is the foreign policy by which Islam will spread all over the world.
The deen that Allah says about his prophet "We sent you as nothing but a source of love, care and mercy for all nation and all people.
So if you want to say something have the basis for it. So Surah Tauba is used as well when came and it nullifies all the ayat about mercy equitable dealing and co-operation and all of it and this now the final way that we have to deal with humanity. I would argue you have not studied your prophet's life and you have not studied this Qur'an the way it should have been studied and incidentally here is another one before I let you go.
Two of the final Surahs that were given in the Qur'an is Surah Tauba and Surah Maidah means 5th Surah and 9th Surah in the order of the Qur'an but historically these are the last one that are revealed.
Now Surah Tauba is about punishment so Surah Maidah is about preached to them, eat with them, marry among them. You are amazed? Like how are you killing them and humiliating them and then marrying among them and eating among them how?
You know what that is. Now the internal problem is dealt with muslims are going to be engaged with the Romans, with the Persians, they are going to go to Morocco, Indonesia they are going to all over the world.
And as you go all over the world here is how you deal with people you won't take punishment to them, you co-operate in good things.
How can some of the last revelations be co-operating good things and then you say foreign policy in Islam is "Kill them where you find them"
Let them know look you better submit or we're going to kill you. Why?
Just think about this. There are so many gaps in that kind of thinking. But it's sound so emotional and so powerful because people quote an ayah here anonymous or out of context.
And you and I got hit by this and think like man this guy has so much daleel(proof) how to respond that. So many Arabic word I don't even know that's what people think.
But it sound so legitimate so it has to be! That's the study of Qur'anic sudies. If we make the study of Qur'an in the life of prophet(saw) at the center then the picture of our deen becomes very clear.
So this is just some synopsis points about how we should be thinking about Jihad in particular and these are some thoughts that I like to share with you. Thank you If you have any suggestions, questions write down in the comment below.
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