QADR- The Predestination Part -2

Now the question comes up how is this fair? If its already written why I should be blame for any wrong I have done its written for me I can't help that and why not everybody should go to paradise why some people will go to hell and some go to heaven? Why bother?
All of these are questions and situations that come up out of the ignorance of understanding who is Allah really? and what is Islam really? and who are we? Human being cannot think like god as I already told you.

Now we have in fact been informed atleast to the extent to know that there is a god and we also have choices that we make everyday. We have a brain and we chose between right and wrong and inside of us there is something we call the conscious and Allah tells us about this is that it's our RUH. Our soul our Nafs or inside or ego we can call it who is talking to us to do good or to do bad but don't we know the difference really.We know it's wrong to lie, we know it's wrong to kill, cheating is bad, smoking, drinking, drugs all of these things are bad we know so when you choose to do this or that whose choice it was then? Your's.

But Allah already knew the choices you would make ahead of time and then he allows you to go through this scenario called this life but he tells you in the Qur'an that this life is nothing but frivolity.
It is nothing it's not the real life. He did not created in jest. Allah was very serious in a way he created it but for you and me this is the place where we go through a scenario just like an examination hall. And that's actually winds up being the determining factor for us on the judgement day. And he is the only to judge but what's he going to look to really?

Is he gonna look to your deeds? Or is he going to look at the intentions behind the deeds? And that's the foremost in the teaching of prophet Muhammad (pbuh). If you go to the books of hadiths or tradition or narrations of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) you will find that the very first hadith in sahih bukhari, Mentioned in Imam Al Nawawi Riyad us saliheen, The first hadith metioned in Arba'een all of these scholars chose this idea to be the leading one and so many scholars since then have used this when they began to speak or write any subject in Islam any facet of Islam they start out telling you "Inna mal A'malu binniyaat" every deed is based on intention and this is the saying of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that he said and Umar (Ra) heard him and reported it to us that every single action is gonna be rewarded according to the intention behind it.

So every action is first recorded and then rewarded or punished according to our Niyyah or intention. So if you accidentally did something this wouldn't count against you Islam but if you intended to do something of it will count against you but coming back to the qadr how could I do a bad deed or a good deed and have it accounted or attributed to me if it's already planned and it's already a part of Allah's destiny.

The mistake comes from the human being who is sitting and thinking that he has free will what talk about it but we don't realize what we are saying do you have free will? and if your answer is yes then I have a question for you. Can you make it rain? and if it's raining can you make it stop? and if it's dark can you make the sun come out? But if you can't then where is your free will? You don't really have will you actually have choices you are making choices and you constantly making choices but you never really have control over the situation.

It's only Allah who has will and his will is what's going to happen and it's already known to him. Now the key here is you and I don't what his will is. We don't know. All we have some clues of somethings like for sure those who are believing in him trying their best have a good chance to go to paradise. We know there is a paradise and we know there is a hell and there is a day of judgement. But who is going to go? I don't know. What we know is the kind of person who goes to paradise is a good person who believed does good works and repents for their sins. The kind of person who goes to hell will be disbeliever rejects the proof and refuses to do good deeds.

As prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said a person can go through their whole life acting so evil that he is almost an arms length of being in hell. But then what is written for him overtakes him and as a result he acts like somebody from paradise and when he dies he goes to the paradise and other person described to be so good in this life he is got to go to paradise and he became so close to paradise but what is written for him and he acts like somebody from the hell. And as a result when he dies he is going to hell.

This is because as I told you earlier you and I have choices and Allah knows when he creates something already everything about it. And he knows there will be some who do good in life and some will do bad and we know from the teaching of Islam that Allah punishes some people in this life so they won't have to suffer in next life. And he also gives some people good in this life and they are not going to get any good in the hereafter.

So you always have a choice choose now. Choose right now. I did and you will be glad you did. Choose the right path.


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